Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dresser Refinished

So I bought a dresser, nightstand, bed, tall dresser and a mirror at a garage sale a few weeks ago. I paid $70 for the set. I really only wanted this dresser, but she didn't want to separate the I bought it all...with the hopes that I'd be able to sell the rest on craigslist. And I did. But I only sold two pieces. The tall dresser and the bed. And I sold them for $60. essence, I spent $10 on this dresser, the nightstand (previous can see why I couldn't get rid of it!), and a mirror for above the dreser that I know I'll use someday.

And I transformed this:

into this:

Cute, huh? It wasn't all wood, so I decided to spray paint it using the suggestions from here.  Because spray paint is a bit more expensive, I ended up spending about $50 to refinish it all. Still, $60 for a dresser, nightstand & mirror? Not too shabby!  Completed room pics coming up next.
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