Saturday, May 1, 2010

The (too big) Lamp

We got this as a hand me down about 10 years ago, and we've never really used it. I wanted a lamp for T's nightstand. It's a bit big, but as the saying goes, "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." I made do.



It's a bit busier than I envisioned, but I can hardly stand the ribbon on the top and needed to do something different on the bottom. So, little rosettes made of scraps worked perfectly to cover my less-than-perfect lampshade. If you want to recover your own lampshade, I followed this tutorial.
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  1. When do you do your crafting? I'm just trying to figure out how you have the time to do it so that I can copy your model.

  2. I don't have time...I stayed up past midnight working on this one. Have you noticed the amount of my craftiness diminishing!?
